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by 阿Britto
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Choosing 宝博体育 Classes: Best Courses to 宝博体育

我知道我之前有一大堆问题 CEA宝博体育, and wish I could have found a previous student to tell me about all of their classes. I was lucky enough to have been able to find the contact for a previous CEA Content Creator, and her answers were very influential in helping me decide to study abroad with CEA, 以及选择我喜欢的课程. I hope this article helps others do the same, as well as answer some questions you might have! 我写了另一篇文章来回答问题 前往巴黎的包装 太! 


I want to start with two disclaimers that students should keep in mind. 首先, I decided to take four classes (the equivalent of 12 credit hours at my home institution) in order to remain a full-time student. This was very important to me seeing that my financial aid depended on it. 第二个, it is also important to consider if and how many credits will transfer to your home institution when choosing your program and your classes. Considering that all my credits were transferring in as electives, I decided on the Liberal Art and 社会科学 Program and I had free reign to pick whichever classes interested me the most.  

I chose all my classes with full intent to explore French culture. My classes were French, Architecture, 20th Century Art, and Mass 媒体 & 时尚产业. 所有的课每周一次, 3个小时, with the exception of French classes which met twice a week for 1.5个小时. I was fortunate enough to have classes only Tuesday through Thursday, 这意味着我有四天的周末, but there is no guarantee that this would be the case for any given student. 


  • 巴黎历史: 架构的视角. This was a class recommended to me by a previous CEA student. Almost every class is a field trip to a location of interest in 巴黎 that you may not have chosen to visit yourself. This is a great way of seeing more of the city and learning about history you otherwise wouldn’t notice while walking past on the streets.  


  • 20世纪艺术: 现代主义的历史. 巴黎 is one of the best cities in the world when it comes to exploring art, and you’ll get many opportunities to go see it during class time. 巴黎有很多著名的博物馆, 我们将在本课中探讨其中一些, 比如卢浮宫, 罗丹博物馆, 奥赛博物馆, 和更多的. Your grade is based entirely off two exams and an art analysis paper (and of course, 和其他课程一样, 出席).  

  • 法国: One of my more prevalent goals when choosing 巴黎 as my study abroad destination was improving my French communication skills. I 太k French for seven years through middle and high school, but nothing compares to learning the language while living in a country that speaks it primarily. CEA offers a wide range of classes based on skill level, whether you are a beginner or an advanced speaker. These classes tend to be smaller, and quite helpful in improving your French language skills.  


  • 大众传媒与时尚产业: I chose this fashion course because it aligned my passion for fashion with my career ambitions as an advertising major. 类似于架构类, this course has excursions to fashion related destinations and accompanied activities. 你们小组合作创建一个时尚博客, 拍下你在街上看到的时尚趋势, 并获得很多关于时尚界的知识! 


My biggest piece of advice would be to take classes that center around your interests. 在一个新的地方, amazing city with so many new friends can definitely be distracting, 所以找到一个平衡点很重要. This balance is easier to keep if you’re learning about things that spark your curiosity, 并使你与环境融为一体. 和你班上的同学交朋友, 仔细听老师讲课, and take advantage of the spare time you’ll have on trains heading to your next weekend destination! 

阿Britto 2022年春季CEA MOJO博主在巴黎吗, 法国, and is currently studying at University of Florida.
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