





by 东航卡帕职员
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我们激动地宣布 东航卡帕全球教师顾问委员会(GFAC)的最新代表. 第一次会议于2023年4月召开, the GFAC was formed to promote and amplify onsite faculty voices in our teaching and learning initiatives, 协助和建议教师的培训和发展, 并为课程开发提供战略指导. 

由来自全球各地的13名成员组成, 代表不同学科和地区的专业知识, 由我们的伦敦学院主席. 安东尼Gristwood, the GFAC meets each semester and is tasked with discrete outcomes.

东航卡帕 is very proud of the role the GFAC continues to play in advancing and supporting our commitment to academic excellence, 我们热烈欢迎所有的新代表!  

Spring 2024 东航卡帕 Global 教师 顾问y Council members include:   

Dr. 莱蒂齐亚Affinito

Dr. 莱蒂齐亚Affinito (东航卡帕罗马) holds a PhD from Universita’ Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore Milan, an MS from Universita’ degli Studi di Napoli Federico II and CSS from Harvard University. She has 30 years of diversified experience in Strategic Marketing 管理 and 沟通 both as a consultant and manager. 莱蒂齐亚一直在 东航卡帕罗马 过去两年了.  

Dr. Dovile Daveluy

Dr. Dovile Daveluy (东航卡帕巴黎) holds an MA in 政治科学 and a PhD in 媒体 and 沟通 studies. She has been teaching courses on 媒体 and Democracy in the Digital Age and Mass 媒体 and the Fashion Industry at 东航卡帕巴黎 过去的十年. She is also a permanent faculty member at the French 业务 School ESCE. 她目前的研究兴趣集中在人工智能上, 时尚产业的可持续性, 以及西方媒体对乌克兰战争的报道. 原产于立陶宛, Dovilé did her graduate studies in the US and has been living in 法国 for the past fifteen years.  

Dr. 约翰L. 丹尼斯

Dr. 约翰L. 丹尼斯 (东航卡帕罗马) is an Academic Board Member and Affiliated Professor at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore at the Centre for Higher 教育 Internationalisation, 佩鲁贾大学心理学兼职教授. 他采用主动学习的方法进行教学.e.翻转课堂和同伴指导. 他参与了许多由欧盟资助的项目, 意大利内政部, 和佩鲁贾的Risparmio之家, and his current research focuses on the interface between psychology and the internationalization of higher education. He is a Cognitive Behavior Therapy Practitioner 与组织行为学 Consultant, 正在完成他的第一本书, 题目是“感觉不舒服的重要性”.” 

Dr. Marina Díaz Cristóbal

Dr. Marina Díaz Cristóbal (东航卡帕巴塞罗那) holds a Bachelor’s degree in 政治科学 from Universidad Complutense, 马德里, 并在塔夫茨大学获得历史学博士学位. She has been teaching at 东航卡帕巴塞罗那 in the area of History and 政治科学 since 2008. 

Dr. 约翰•爱德华兹

Dr. 约翰•爱德华兹 (东航卡帕悉尼) holds a PhD in Marketing from Charles Sturt University. 他曾在 东航卡帕悉尼 自2015年以来. He currently teaches International Dimensions of Organisational Behaviour, 创新创业, 和体育管理. 

Dr. 安东尼Gristwood

Dr. 安东尼·格雷斯伍德(主席, 东航卡帕伦敦)拥有硕士学位, PGCE, 获得剑桥大学地理学博士学位. He has been with 东航卡帕 since 2010 and is currently 教师 Chair and Principal Lecturer at 东航卡帕伦敦, 他在哪里教授跨学科的城市研究. He is also a co-editor and regular contributing author for the 东航卡帕 Occasional Publications series.  

Ana Carolina Homs Topazi

Ana Carolina Homs Topazi (东航卡帕巴塞罗那) is a 巴塞罗那-based Social 心理学 professor at 东航卡帕巴塞罗那 私人执业的心理治疗师. She holds a Master’s degree in Cognitive 科学 and Language and worked in the ESL field as an ESL instructor, 教师培训师, 也是教学材料的创造者.  

Dr. 玛丽·凯瑟琳·麦肯蒂

Dr. 玛丽·凯瑟琳·麦肯蒂 (东航卡帕巴塞罗那) holds a Doctorate in 教育 from the Autonomous University of 马德里. 自2022年1月以来,她一直在东航卡帕巴塞罗那工作, most recently as 教师 Chair for the Pepperdine University 宝博体育 Program. 她教授沟通和全球竞争力课程, 的服务培训, 跨文化沟通, 性别与沟通, 与组织行为学.  

Dr. Mícheál Ó Fathartaigh 

Dr. Mícheál Ó Fathartaigh (东航卡帕都柏林) holds a PhD in History from Trinity College, 都柏林, 并发表了大量关于爱尔兰现代史的文章. 他曾为 东航卡帕都柏林 三年了. He currently coordinates and teaches the Engaging 爱尔兰 history course.  


乔恩·特拉弗斯 (东航卡帕伦敦)拥有硕士学位 in Cultural Studies from the University of Gloucestershire and several certificates and diplomas in Counselling. 他曾为 东航卡帕伦敦 12年来. 他曾担任伦敦大学学术管理主任, 教师协调员, 马萨诸塞大学第一年学者计划, and currently teaches the Global Internship Course and Global Workforce 管理. 

Dr. 那里šVeselsky

Dr. 那里šVeselsky(布拉格东航卡帕)完成学士学位(2016), 硕士(2018), 2022年在人文学院攻读博士学位, 查尔斯大学. Currently, he works at several educational institutions, including 查尔斯大学 and 布拉格东航卡帕, where he focuses on the sociology of sports, especially on the topic of sports mega-events. He is also extensively involved in public speaking, science popularization, and video creation. In 2020, 他赢得了查尔斯大学的科学大满贯比赛, 哪个是致力于科普的. 

Dr. Floarea Virban

Dr. Floarea Virban (东航卡帕佛罗伦萨) holds PhDs in History (European University Institute) and Philology (University of Bucharest). 她曾在 东航卡帕佛罗伦萨 since 2006 and has been a member of the 东航卡帕 Occasional Publications Editorial 咨询委员会 since 2016. 她教授语言和身份方面的课程, 佛罗伦萨文化史, 以及二十世纪欧洲政治经济史. 


凯文·惠伦 (东航卡帕塞维利亚) holds Master's degrees in 企业管理 and Marketing (ESIC) and in Secondary 教育 (Sacred Heart University). 他曾为 东航卡帕塞维利亚 自2019年以来. 他教市场营销 & 创业和全球宝博体育课程.  

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